Hayley Mascall Coaching

Coaching for Positive Change

A professional coach and Clean Language practitioner working with individuals and organisations to effect positive change in personal lives and careers.

Hayley Mascall professional coach sunrise pink

“If you can’t run then walk. If you can’t walk then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”

Dr Martin Luther King

“Hayley is somebody you naturally want to talk to, with real substance behind her words and her approach. She is practical, attentive, non-judgmental and energising.” TM

“Hayley encouraged me to find my own solutions rather than directing or solving for me. This was a great help as I realised I often don’t ask myself the right questions” JK

“Quite often I would go in expecting to talk about one thing and end up talking about something different – something that was actually way more important!” RD

“Through our coaching sessions Hayley helped me to see a clearer path and see where I fall down and why and what my barriers are, which is amazing.” LH

“Hayley has been incredible. I was having a tough time in my career and she managed to help me identify what is really important and keep a realistic and positive outlook on what’s next” CN

“Hayley helped me to believe in myself and my ability. In my line of work, imposter syndrome is rife, so it felt good to be able to recognise my achievements, something I often fail to do.” TD

“I have greatly benefited from Hayley’s sessions, both from a personal and professional perspective. She has a lovely warmth and friendliness, along with an amazing ability to get to the root of issues.” EH

“Her sessions have been brilliant and I am recommending her left, right and centre!” RD